Best Practices for Optimizing Internal Links Anchor Text

Internal link building is critical to search engine optimization (SEO). It helps structure your website logically, enhances user navigation, and distributes page authority across your site. Central to this practice is the use of anchor text. This guide will delve into the nuances of anchor text, providing a comprehensive understanding and practical tips for effective internal link building.

What is Anchor Text

An anchor text is a clickable text or phrase within a hyperlink that appears as a highlighted or underlined text. Its significance lies in its ability to guide users through a website and signal search engines the site’s content relevance and context.

example of anchor text

Types of Anchor Text

Exact Match

While not as dominant as before, exact-match anchor texts still hold relevance. It refers to the anchor text that precisely matches the primary keyword or key phrase for which the linked page seeks to rank in search engine results. For example, if the target keyword is “best internal linking tool,” an exact match anchor text would be “best internal linking tool.”

Partial Match

Unlike exact match anchor text, which replicates the entire keyword, partial match anchor text involves using synonyms, related terms, or variations of the target keywords while maintaining relevance to the linked page’s content.


These anchor texts feature the brand identity. For example, if the brand is “LinkStorm,” a branded anchor text could be “LinkStorm website” or simply “LinkStorm”. Branded anchor texts enhance brand visibility and credibility.

Naked URLs

Naked URLs refer to a hyperlink that uses the actual URL of the linked page as clickable text—for example, Directly incorporating URLs as anchor texts can be beneficial, especially when promoting specific pages.


Generic anchor texts refer to a hyperlink that uses common terms like “click here,” “learn more,” or “read this”. The purpose of generic anchor text is to provide a simple and neutral link without emphasizing particular content or keywords.

How Anchor Text Affects Internal Linking

Anchor text plays a significant role in internal linking. It impacts both, search engine optimization (SEO), and user experience.

SEO Impact

  • Relevance and Context for Search Engines: Anchor text provides context to search engines about the linked page’s content. For example, if a page on your site links to another page using the anchor text “internal linking strategies,” it signals to search engines that the linked page is likely about internal linking strategies. It can help improve the linked page’s relevance and ranking for related queries.
  • Link Equity Distribution: Internal linking helps distribute ‘link juice’ throughout your website. It is the value passed from one page to another. Anchor text can influence how much value is passed and to what pages, boosting the authority and ranking potential of various pages across your site.
  • Avoiding Over-Optimization Penalties: Overusing keyword-rich anchor text can trigger search engine penalties for over-optimization. A natural and varied anchor text profile, combining branded, topical, and generic phrases, can avoid this. It signals to search engines that your site is user-focused rather than manipulatively SEO-focused.

User Experience Impact

  • Navigation and Usability: Anchor text helps users navigate your website. Clear, descriptive anchor text can guide users to relevant additional content, improving their overall experience and keeping them engaged on your site.
  • Clarity and Expectation Setting: Good anchor text sets clear expectations about what content the user will find when they click a link. This clarity reduces user frustration, lowers bounce rates, and can increase the time spent on your site.
  • Accessibility: For users with disabilities, especially those using screen readers, anchor text is crucial in understanding the context and destination of internal links. Clear, descriptive anchor text improves the accessibility and usability of a site for all users.

Site Structure Impact

  • Enhancing Site Hierarchy: internal linking with appropriate anchor texts can help search engines understand the hierarchy and structure of your website. This understanding can influence how search engines crawl and index your pages, potentially impacting how your pages are ranked.
  • Supporting Content Silos and Topic Clusters:  Anchor text can be used strategically to create content silos or topic clusters. This approach strengthens the thematic relevance of your pages and can enhance your site’s topical authority in the eyes of search engines.

Optimize Your Internal Anchor Text with LinkStorm

Using natural, user-friendly, and contextually relevant anchor texts is important. It not only aids in SEO but also enhances your website’s overall usability and effectiveness. 

LinkStorm helps you optimize your internal anchor text easily. It can thoroughly understand your website’s content and find internal linking opportunities. It prioritizes related pages, strategizes anchor text variations, and suggests the proper placement and anchor text.

As seen above, it is an example of LinkStorm’s expertise to recommend internal linking from one page to another. This tool can also track all the anchor texts used in your internal linking. Those features save a lot of time for SEO agencies and publishers. 

Check and Optimize Your Current Internal Anchor Text

Websites evolve, and so does your content. Regularly checking and optimizing anchor texts ensures they align with your current content strategy and targeted keywords. It ensures that your site remains relevant.

LinkStorm helps identify empty anchors, non-varied anchors (only one per target page), over-optimized anchors, and anchors that do not exploit synonyms and other terms from the lexical field.

You can see an example of a report above; it shows how often an anchor text is used on your site, making it easy to optimize them!

Best Practices for Internal Anchor Text Optimization

Optimizing internal anchor text is a crucial aspect of on-page SEO. It involves strategically choosing the clickable text in hyperlinks. Here are the best practices for internal anchor text optimization:

Use Descriptive and Relevant Anchor Text

Choose anchor texts that clearly describe the content of the linked page. It helps users and search engines understand what the page is about before clicking the link. Avoid generic anchor text; use descriptive terms that indicate the linked content.

Balance Between Exact-Match and Varied Anchor Text

Avoid overuse of exact-match keywords; it can lead to Google penalties as it may seem to be manipulative. Used a mix of exact-match, partial-match, and related phrases or synonyms to create a natural and varied anchor text profile.

Ensure Relevance to the Linked Content

The anchor text should be directly relevant to the content of the page it’s linking to. Irrelevant links can confuse users and negatively impact search engine rankings.

Avoid Keyword Stuffing

While it’s essential to include relevant keywords, they should be used naturally within the flow of the content. Always prioritize the user experience over trying to game search engine algorithms.

Link Placement Matters

Place internal links in parts of your content where they make the most sense and can provide value to the reader. Too many links in a small section of content can overwhelm the user and appear unnatural to search engines.

Use a Variety of Anchor Text Types

Along with exact and partial match keywords, use branded, generic, and even no-text (image links) anchor texts to maintain a healthy and natural link profile.

Regularly Audit and Update Your Internal Links

Regularly review and update your internal links and anchor texts to ensure they remain relevant. Be responsive to your website’s content strategy changes, updating anchor texts as necessary.

Key Takeaways

Internal anchor text optimization is an ongoing process that requires balancing SEO best practices and providing a great user experience. By following these guidelines, you can improve both the relevance and authority of your internal pages, enhance user navigation, and contribute positively to your website’s overall SEO performance. 

Remember, the ultimate goal is to create a user-friendly and easily understandable website by search engines. Well-optimized anchor texts are key to achieving this. Regular reviews and adjustments are part of an SEO strategy.

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